Author Topic: Issue with Endpoint Protection Suite Plus install  (Read 2958 times)

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Issue with Endpoint Protection Suite Plus install
« on: June 16, 2014, 10:27:11 AM »

Glad to see the forums back up.  I've been trying to get some help on an issue with a client we have.

I've installed the above product like many sites before.  When I load up the console it shows all computers on the problems.

If I run a deployment it fails on every single computer except a Windows 8 machine.  The error reports the majority as:

No network path found.  There is 1 that reports the credentials supplied failed authentication.

If I then try and do a manual install, pushing it out to 1 computer (with the network error) it allows me to install it and reports on the desktop that it was installed.

Go back to the console and run a network scan and it doesn't show as being protected.

I then tried to do an install by selecting each individual computer (2 at a time) instead of deploying it via a group.

It reports that the install was successful.  I then go back to network scan and see it still hasn't reported them as installed.

Any help would be appreciated

Kind Regards,


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Re: Issue with Endpoint Protection Suite Plus install
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2014, 12:14:52 PM »
Just to add from looking at a previous forum post.  I have played about with taking off the firewall on a client computer when I've tried to do a manual install but still seem to arrive at the same point as above.

One thing I've wondered if the 2 that installed without an issue didn't have Avast on.  The others were running a 30 day trial while we got the licensing and the server sorted.  With them expiring its as though Endpoint is telling them they are licensed until 2017.

Could it be that the trial versions are overriding the install or not allowing the new install to communicate?  I know it should remove or install avast especially if it already has avast on even if on trial but it is coincidental.  I've not yet been able to try this as they are quite busy today so can't take them off the machines for the moment to test it.