A new version with the number 2014.9.0.2013 has been released yesterday (22nd Jan). All the problems that we were able to reproduce are fixed. In case you see more problems, please check that you are running the latest version first. Thanks a lot. And of course, we are very much interested to know about your experiences with 9.0.2013!
Hi guys,
several of you reported problems with downloads and general connectivity issues when WebShield is running. Especially on Windows 7 (SP0).
Luckily, we have been able to identify one of the possible causes and have prepared a patch for you. This patch is already online and should be downloaded automatically via the emergency updating mechanism.
Since we were unable to reproduce the same behavior in the test lab, my thanks go to LordAmi, who worked with us for a few days to isolate the issue and test all intermediate fixes. Thanks LordAmi!
We are not sure if it will solve all of the problems, but those of you who have experienced issues, please try it and report here.
The fix/patch is distributed on schedule and during certain events in the system (such as Logging in). It may take a while until all of you have the patch installed. In case you would like to make it quicker I recommend the following:
1) turn of WebShield from avast UI ( Settings / Active Protection )
2) restart the computer
3) open C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\Setup\Inf\x86 or x64 (based on your OS version) in explorer and wait a few minutes
4) shortly after login you should see a new file created here with the name aswstm.sys.sum
5) once you see it there, turn WebShield back on
To verify you have the patch applied, you may go to:
C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\Setup\Inf\x86 or .\x64
You should see:
aswstm.sys - file version: 9.0.2011.265
aswstm.sys.sum - file size: 223 bytes
The same file (aswstm.sys) should also be in your Windows\System32\Drivers folder (use 64bit explorer to check this on 64bit builds).
If these files are present and you have just started WebShield again, you should be already running the updated version.
I would be very happy to hear about your experience with the patched driver.