First off... Im glad I read your posts and the links they led to. I almost decided you were going to say its cool and all... but I see your about as p!ssed about this as me. Furthermore, we can suppress it but we have to download something from Google. -what Avast thinks about security and what is called PROFESSIONAL and understanding support. -the reasoning Avast uses a Google Product which requires the installation of yet ANOTHER Google add-on product to opt-out (I don't know that counts as opting out... TBH). WHAT A SOLUTION, DID YOU THINK OF THAT BY YOURSELF!?!
To opt out:
This download add on to opt out of ga.js
-this is how we OPT OUT... by installing an addon.
Well, what if Im only concerned about the tool being in Avast Internet Security and don't care that a web page uses it. What if I have my OWN website that uses the Google Analytics and I need to know when the rest of the team is going to the site? What if I suport web page analysis data but do not agree at all with it being a part of my security?
Those questions right there are enough that it should be something we can control via the Avast user interface. Really, Im not all tin-foil hat and I don't care if google monitors what I click on Newegg or even the Avast website.
I THOUGHT I WAS BUYING AVAST INTERNET SECURITY NOT GOOGLE INTERNET SECURITY AND MARKETING TSR'!So its apparently for the Alwil team to better understand its "usage patterns".
Well... we can start dealing with some VERY different useage patterns as everyone sees Alwil sell out like every other AV company has so far and Alwils new found spot as the leader in AV is brought down by something so silly and just plain common sense.
Well, either Avast comes up with their own thing or gets back to some REAL, while some of you may not think this will affect much; there are STILL those of us out here who are what's called 'old school' when it comes to security... if you didn't build it, you can promise us its secure.
I know that VLK finds now harm in it being part of his program but many of us are getting fed up with the entire Droid Google taking over every electronic device we have. This was a joke as I followed the threads to the answer which ends at... WAIT FOR IT... WAIT FOR IT...
its solution was ANOTHER Google add-on product I would be forced to use if I didn't want the first one.
As Cartman would say...
"DA PH*K!!!"I don't remember reading that in the SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS or TOS when I bought Avast IS? How about next time you sale your sole... give us a heads up what your doing.
[slightly OFF TOPIC]
HEY... YO... EXECUTIVES/PROGRAMMERS AT AVAST!!!This is my home computer... NOT A SMART PHONE OR TABLET!!!Seriously guys... none of you have any issue with this but your all about the big bad Microsoft demon taking over the world? It's starting to look like while all you 'super-smart' guys were busy worrying about MSFT... someone else came along and did JUST THAT!!!
Im stuck with an almost USELESS tablet unless it can talk to Google (log into a GMail Account), seriously, it plays PS1 games BUT I could not download or play ANY of them until I linked a Google account. That was my Xperia Z... not low end at all.
Now my Anti-virus... really guys, think about it.
Or is your new Mission "Anything To Make A Buck... Including selling you to Google who LITERALLY gave our meta-data to the NSA and STILL reads every email we get."
Before you argue with the last comment saying they had no choice... go check out MY ISP in my signature and how many times HE has had to give into the NSA or FISA!!!
Oorah Pete Ashdown and XMission!!! Maybe you can drop Avast and the the Alwil team a line, it seems they have forgotten what protecting privacy is REALLY about.
Oorah #33rd