I've been using AVAST since around version 3.x, back when there were two GUI options (Standard, and Enhanced User Interface). Back then I could customize and tailor the "Tasks" and processes to provide logging and alerting with great detail or none at all. I really felt I had control over the product and had a great level of situational awareness about my system in general. I used to show it off to people as an example of what a good AV product was. Sadly, the trend in all AV products is to make things simpler and dumber to the point that the AV just does everything itself, makes all the decisions, hides as much technical information as possible so as not to overwhelm the typical user. The problem is some of us still need that level of control and awareness.
Here's an example of how bad I think this has gotten with AVAST. While I was in another room I heard an alert from AVAST come out of the speakers ("A Virus has been detected"), a few seconds later I heard another virus alert. By the time I got to the computer the popup messages had gone, so I tried to find some kind of log in the GUI to let me know what happened. I found none. The "Statistics" Section has "Realtime data" which shows a mere 5 last files scanned (which on a busy system is useless, as the suspect file is long gone by the time you look at this list), the "Historical data" seems pretty to look at, but completely useless (it shows "Traffic History" and "Updates history"; perhaps the two least important things when you are trying to figure out what's going on on a system). The "Component Status" shows "Viruses Blocked" but displays only a number...no other data, like what were the involved files, programs, malware-type, etc. It seems like the whole GUI has been designed to be pretty, but with no functionality. Where is the Enhanced User Interface that made this product special!!?? How do I troubleshoot and figure out what happened on my system? The most simple of things is a log file of the program's activities, and I can't even find that. The closest thing is the "Report File" option under the "File System Shield", but this just has a "*" for the filename, and I can find no log file (maybe I need to keep looking).
Please, Alwil/AVAST, restore the advanced features that allow advanced users to diagnose and gain awareness of their systems. Make it pretty with your new graphs if you like, but I'd be happy with a simple log of activities to analyze when things happen. I need to know. I'm not a granny. I need a product that will help me keep my system secure, not just tell me "Everything is Good" as is plastered on the "Status" page, even when seconds before I was getting alerts that "A Virus has been detected"...Everything is NOT good if viruses are being detected!!
Has anyone else noticed this?