Ok, after one day with heavy uploading and another reboot it still works.
Thanks a lot!
I still worry about people who still think their dropbox is damaged or
the sites they´re uploading to. In the dropbox-support forum there
were some people who thought about Avast least and only checked
that when some of us told them to test it out.
This problem does not always look like an anti virus issue, at least
to those who are not programmers or other system-near workers.
I am really no noob, but didn´t get all which was told in this thread.
Perhaps it would be best to give this out as an Avast message, as a
popup, like the one from today about the telekom-hijacking attack,
though I know lots of people (with computer experience near zero)
who just click that messages away. :-(
It were people like that whom I recommended Avast so dearly,
because it was so good for them to get spoken messages like
"Achtung, Sie haben einen Virus auf Ihrem Computer"! :->
P.S. Hm, what will the patch do? Override the stream filter at all till
the problem is fixed or give the choice to those who have problems?
And will it come automaticly?