I have been having problems with our SOA interacting with my clients since we renewed our license.
Shortly before our license expired, I received notice that it was going to expire. So, I renewed it and inserted the license file. However, the old file did not disassociate and when it expired the new file did not take over and I had to contact support to get it resent.
When this all happened, the SOA started showing client computers that had been previous installed as being either disconnected (unplugged icon) or unmanaged (question mark icon). Some clients also started giving a message that the "trial" period was up and I needed to purchase Avast or insert a license file. One of the clients won't even let me log into it on the client machine; it keeps saying the password is incorrect. Some computers on the network are showing up twice in the SOA. When I try to install the client on the machines that are showing disconnected or unmanaged I get an error that says, "No network provider accepted the given network path [1203]" or messages about incorrect passwords. Nothing has changed with the server, domain, or client machines. The trigger seemed to be the expiration of the license file. I thought maybe they would "fix" themselves over time depending on how the license file gets passed out to the clients, but this has been going on for over 2 weeks.
What am I doing wrong and what do I need to do to fix this? It is driving me and my users nuts!