Author Topic: Avast BSOD on Vista, STOP 0x00000007b and aswrvrt.sys  (Read 6202 times)

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Re: Avast BSOD on Vista, STOP 0x00000007b and aswrvrt.sys
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2014, 01:04:28 AM »
My only suggestion is a good HDD image software.
There are levels of protection of a PC...probably broken into groups A/V-Malware & Data.
For me I use Avast 8 + MalwareBytes PRO + CryptoPrevent.
Is this 100% perfect.....NO....nothing ever is but for "me" it is a balance of good protection + ease of use + recoverability.
I supplement this with Windows System Restore that I have run daily at noon and on any boot....selected both system and data files.
I also copy critical data files to a USB stick.
I then also use a Cloud Service as backup of my Document Files.....SugarSync ( for me.....there are many.

But lastly, and despite any of the above is a good imaging software.
Why ?....because all of the above can fail.....a HDD physical crash is one good example.
I have a USB HDD connected to my PC and each night I run a full image during the evening while I'm other times a Avast & MBAM scan.  The software, free, I use is Macrium Reflect:
They are very reputable, always are kept current, easy to use, has both PE & Linux recovery boot CDs you can easily generate from within the software.  Worst case you can restore the image, or at minimum you can mount the image with Macrium as a DRIVE and pull files from it.

Anyway like AVs if you ask 10 people what they recommend for backup software you most likely get 10 different suggestions. :)
Of course, mine is right.  ;)
« Last Edit: March 24, 2014, 01:07:21 AM by thekochs »