I have uninstalled Avast for now to try Emsisoft Antimalware, if Avast gets it back together I will return.
I use Chrome with Bitdefender Trafficlight, Ghostery and AdBlock Plus, I believe all are available for Firefox.
You could try Malwarebytes Anti Exploit if you don't mind using a beta, I've been using for months now and it is very stable.
I also use Ccleaner for maintenance, has never done me wrong and Sumo for software updates.
In my tool arsenal I have: SystemLook, Snapshot, AdwCleaner, autoruns, Belarc Advisor, Blue Screen View, cports, Geek Uninstaller, Last Activity View, Process Explorer and Reg Scanner. You may or may not want to use any of these depending on what exactly you are wanting to do and/or your computer experience.