I'm hardly an expert, either.
However, I know Proxomitron is able to do filtering (changing/inserting/deleting) of ssl html, js etc.
For example, I have a filter set up for bugzilla (
sample bug) which inserts a call for a local stylesheet, to tweak the appearance and (imo) make it easier to read.
Proxomitron has a number of functions, including essentially re-writing webpages before presenting them to the browser. This can involve both security/privacy issues (eliminating webbugs, exploits, etc) and "eye-candy"/usability issues, like my bugzilla example.
The typical form of a web filter is to analyse the page, looking for an expression, which is replaced in the page sent to the browser.
This is an example of a web bug filter, by hpguru:
Name = "Block Web Bugs - hp2"
Active = TRUE
Bounds = "<img *>"
Limit = 512
Match = "*src=\w*"
"& (*(height=("|)[#1-4])\1)"
"& (*(width=("|)[#1-4])\2)"
Replace = "<img src="http://Local.ptron/wbani.gif" \1 \2 alt="Web Bug">"
Some are far more complex. So, in the case of Proxomitron, analysis is taking place.