Thank again, but my question should be solved by "it was left away" isn't it?
A43003... There was an ad blocker in, I believe, version 8 for a short while, however, it has been removed in version 9 as it was indeed, as previously stated, rubbish. However, that ad blocker had it's own entry in "Programs and Features" so that removing Avast, or updating Avast, did not affect the ad blocker. As a result, if you used the version of Avast that included the ad blocker, and have not specifically removed it, it will still be there. Any system, however, where that version of Avast was not installed, will not have the ad blocker and will not get it from version 9, where it is no longer included.
I have used that ad blocker, and AdBlock Plus, and my advice would be to remove the old Avast ad blocker on those machines where it is installed still, and get AdBlock Plus (free) for them instead. A far superior product and much more reliable at ad removal.