Author Topic: Deploying Avast! Endpoint Protection Suite 8.0 w/ Windows Deployment Services  (Read 15145 times)

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Offline Michael (alan1998)

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Max, are you qualified to Help?? If so, contact Essexboy, Pondus or Milos! You can't be helping unless you have the needed training.

Senior Security Analyst; Sys Admin (Linux); Forensics/Incident Response.

Security is a mindset, not an application. Think BEFORE you click.

Max Marak

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dglidden - sorry for the late reply!
Sure enough, I just ran sysprep and have the exact same issue.  It's late now and QA isn't around, but I've written them to see if there are known compatibility issues with sysprep, or potential switches that need to be run with aswImgPr that we're missing out on.

Michael (alan1998) - Yes, I'm at avast HQ, but I'm not paid to answer these forums, but since nobody is, and help has been scarce, I'm chiming in.
With that being said, if you don't think I'm qualified, you're totally welcome to report my posts to a moderator or answer the questions yourself.


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Thank you for updating me and in a way glad you were able to recreate my issue, I look forward to any resolution that will allow me to add Avast to my images.


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Before performing sysprep, did you turned OFF avast self defense module from trouble shooting options ?


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I've had a really hard time getting an official answer, so I've asked some colleagues (nazer) who made a valid point. Indeed, do disable self defense before sysprep and let us know how it goes.


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Hi Max,

Sorry for not responding to your last post sooner, I did as Nazer mentioned and it worked! it also resolved an issue we were experiencing during regular start up of our pc's that have Avast on them. Hopefully this will help others who are experiencing this type of problem.


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Hi there,

We are experiencing the same issue as dglidden! We are going to be deploying a single image on 150 new laptops and deploying new images on existing machines (totaling about 3000). Disabling the self-defense module is a terrible solution! The point of imaging is less manual work and we will have to enable this on 3000 computers after imaging. Strange that it only affects 32-bit. Could we please have a better solution?

UPDATE: It enables itself after the image is deployed!! YAY
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 08:20:36 PM by steelev3 »