Post #111
Is this supposed to be reference to a post of mine? For some reason my interface does not show post #s, so please supply a link if this is supposed to be an example of my bullying someone. Or is post #111 the one right above?
No, my arguments are not false and empty.
Really? Earlier you chastised the people here who want to use v7 by saying everyone should use the "best defense possible" ... then I pointed out AVAST isn't a top rated AV, so
you aren't using the "best defense possible" because like the rest of us, good enough is good enough, and we prefer AVAST. You replied that I don't know anything about what security you use, so I should "shut up." I answered by saying "Eddy, you use AVAST, do you not? And XP?" and you never answered, because of course you do, and of course AVAST is not "the best defense possible" and XP is an old and outdated OS no longer supported by MS and hasn't been for years.
So yes, Eddy, your arguments in this thread have been empty and false, and you don't like me b/c I pointed it out. But it's not my fault. I am not making your arguments, you are. It's too bad they're just so bad
You just don't understand how things are working and how/why they are done. That is something we can't help you with.
Right. OK, then, don't try. It's ok. Let the people here who were upset about the upgrade have their say without attacking them, and let AVAST (hopefully) review the posts and decide if there is anything of worth in this thread to take forward with them in order to help ensure future brand and user loyalty. Because after all, this is about AVAST, not about the egos on this board who just don't like some newbie disagreeing with them.
And BTW, I do help others as well, but on the MyDigitalLife and Seven forums. And I don't doubt the people who have been bullies in this thread have spent a great deal of time helping people in other threads. That doesn't excuse the behavior in this thread, however.