How about finally update the business edition to a recent version (10)? I can not understand that the business edition is lagging behind at least two versions!
Let me say; I don't like the answer I'm about to give... But as a long time personal user of Avast! Free edition who also moved a company to the business protection product my experiences have required me to come to terms with the following fact:
They see way more value in the millions of users acting as remote data collectors with the free edition and probably make more money selling millions of copies of the personal pro edition than they do selling thousands of copies of the business edition. Most products that have a business edition are priced such that it is the flagship offering and the real bread winner of the lineup. This is just not the case with the Avast! ecosystem...
It's a shame because this second class citizen stuff is going to drive a happy one time zealous proponent of Avast! over to something like Vipre, ESET, or *shudder* Webroot... What is unfortunate is that the same thing that makes it great, also limits its success.