To answer your Question about Malwarebytes and whether they are Safe or not..
Malwarebytes has an Epicly awesome reputation in the Malware Removal Department. Any googling in general of MalwareBytes is almost always Positive (Of course, you have the few haters, and people who are just out to ruin it's Reputation.)
As for aswMBR: It's an official Avast! Tool created to scan the MBR (Master Boot Record)
FRST: Created by Farbar for this Use. It has no ties to the big AV names like Avast! Trend Micro, Kaspersky, Norton etc, but widely used on all UNITE websites.
http://uniteagainstmalware.com/PLus: Just to back it up more... This site (Forum.avast.com) is an official Avast! Support forum. If we were out to cause damage, they'd ban us. Our 'Main' (Not to offend anyone else (Magna, Valinorum etc) remover, Essexboy has been around since Feb 19th, 2005. So, 1 month until 1 Decade, (And 1 post when posting this) away from 40k Posts..