Consumer Products > Avast Account (

License Dowload Trouble


Hi! My Avast license is end so I decide to get new one. I'm recommended Avast to more than 23+ friends and received +1000 kharma(karma) and award "Avast Influencer" but I'm can't download my new license. Download button in my profile "is inactive in any browsers ( I'm tested it in Opera, Chrome on my PC and Chrome, UC Browser, Mozilla in my tablet). How can i get my license? My friend also said to leave ticket in so I did, but from date of creaction (25 January) to this day still doesn't receive answer or any help 

Karma is still in beta.
It doesn't offer any rewards at the moment.


--- Quote from: Eddy on February 04, 2015, 08:37:11 PM ---Karma is still in beta.
It doesn't offer any rewards at the moment.

--- End quote ---
So, at this moment I'm just can't receive my reward?


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