Had a BSOD on win XP Pro SP3.
This happened when I pressed the sleep button on my keyboard - as far as I'm aware there was nothing different from the other times I have used this function, other than using the 2015.10.2.2215 Sp1 beta currently used.
The BSOD error reported Invalid_Process_Detach_Attempt
Stop: 0x00000006 (0x00000000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) First time I have ever seen this stop code.
Blue Screen View highlighted 4 .sys files, in order: aswSnx.sys, fltMgr.sys, mbam.sys and ntoskrnl.sys
I have created a 7zip archive with the memory.dmp and a minidump, Mini032215-01.dmp - these are in 7zip archive MemoryDumps_DavidR_2015-3-22.7z no password. File size, 39.6 MB (41,584,227 bytes).
I have uploaded this to the ftp location. Hope this helps.