Author Topic: Is your computer a zombie?  (Read 11440 times)

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Re: Is your computer a zombie?
« Reply #15 on: October 08, 2005, 10:16:03 PM »

As I stated to you once before here in this forum:
I will state it again. I do believe that your information is VERY usefull and helpfull. Thank You again for taking an interest in helping others to be more informed about the security precautions they need to take to protect their computers.  ;D


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Re: Is your computer a zombie?
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2005, 10:23:55 PM »
No. My computers are not zombies.

They're loaded with safety features, fully stealthed and I now Cerf (remember him?) safer than I used to.

That's probably largely due to what I've learned here and the advice and genuine concern of those who know a lot more than I do - like you, friend Polonus, who has kept me "on my toes" security wise and made me aware of the dangers out there. I hadn't even considered the evils of rootkit spyware until you alerted me. So your "existence on the internet" has certainly helped me!

But then, you all have! I come in here, read the latest posts from you all and always leave a little better informed and empowered.

Thank you all VERY much
 Happy days


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Re: Is your computer a zombie?
« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2005, 10:57:46 PM »
Guys and gals NOBODY said that this information was useless or in any way doubted Polonus, i personally think he's a great guy and we can all be thankfull he's here informing us about malware, it's just damn sad when you sit behind the PC and all you can think about is malware, that's all i'm trying to say nothing else.You see i think if you do that than the malware writers have already won in a way cause now you're not having fun behind the computer you're only worrying about the next virus that might hit you or whatever.OK that being said i'd just like to say  BACKUP regulary people this way you can save yourself alot of trouble if god forbit a virus attacks you or whatever(altough i must admit i have yet to restore my system from a backup)!Just my 2 cents people  ;)

Take Care


Online polonus

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Re: Is your computer a zombie?
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2005, 11:43:25 PM »
Hi dear avast forum friends,

I have just got a letter from my provider that my downstream/upstream DSL will be twice as fast, not costing me.
More quality for the same money. Polonus is glad, so you see an extra bonus for Polonus. Who can say that securing computers cannot be fun. I like those proggies to see what happens like TDImon. I like to understand what is going on. I do not see a virus around every corner, and since I use my tweaked FF browser the only thing I had to clear from this old box was a tracking cookie.
I further like searchengines, and special searchlore to get to certain information. I like the news on the net. I almost instantly made the switch to the off-topic of the three ladies. Fighting malware must be fun, no one says there is nothing besides. But it is always nice when you grow to learn a bit about a subject, and the fun and satisfaction to help others, dear friends it is so rewarding. I like this forum here, it is as simple as that. I am hammering on the fact that security in computing must be an ongoing thing, just like hygiene, like brushing your teeth or eating the right food. If people knew the importance of this and we could do without the botnets, the people that use the computer only for fun would be entitled to it. Polonus keeps doing what he has always done. No sweat,

your anti-malware friend,


Cybersecurity is more of an attitude than anything else. Avast Evangelists.

Use NoScript, a limited user account and a virtual machine and be safe(r)!


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Re: Is your computer a zombie?
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2005, 11:55:52 PM »
Well so it's like i said before Polonus enjoys the "malware wars" , i enjoy PC gaming , someone likes to fish so we're all happy and that's the most important thing!  ;D


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Re: Is your computer a zombie?
« Reply #20 on: October 09, 2005, 12:05:13 AM »
There are alot of computers out there that are part of the "Legion of Zombies" some even aren't aware by their users. It would be shocking if my PC is part of the legion right now as we speak.   :o

I have just got a letter from my provider that my downstream/upstream DSL will be twice as fast, not costing me.

Oh wow, what's your ISP?  My ISP double my speed a few months ago but I had to call them a few times  to actually make them upgrade it.