Hi dear avast forum friends,
I have just got a letter from my provider that my downstream/upstream DSL will be twice as fast, not costing me.
More quality for the same money. Polonus is glad, so you see an extra bonus for Polonus. Who can say that securing computers cannot be fun. I like those proggies to see what happens like TDImon. I like to understand what is going on. I do not see a virus around every corner, and since I use my tweaked FF browser the only thing I had to clear from this old box was a tracking cookie.
I further like searchengines, and special searchlore to get to certain information. I like the news on the net. I almost instantly made the switch to the off-topic of the three ladies. Fighting malware must be fun, no one says there is nothing besides. But it is always nice when you grow to learn a bit about a subject, and the fun and satisfaction to help others, dear friends it is so rewarding. I like this forum here, it is as simple as that. I am hammering on the fact that security in computing must be an ongoing thing, just like hygiene, like brushing your teeth or eating the right food. If people knew the importance of this and we could do without the botnets, the people that use the computer only for fun would be entitled to it. Polonus keeps doing what he has always done. No sweat,
your anti-malware friend,