Exactly, Musicaz!! My story, my circumstances are almost identical to the reviewers on the
"Rip Off" Report I started this post with.
The one so easily dismissed as bogus and not credible. i find it very hard to believe that all of those individuals concocted a story, so similar to my experience. I think that you can see from the documents I've attached,
I'm not concocting anything!! Also, just to give you a little more background info. When I 1st got the red pop-up warning that my computer was unprotected, my license had expired...Just as many of those people stated,
I went to my Avast program and it would not let me renew online...
.JUST LIKE THESE PEOPLE REPORTED!! I did not create that pop-up and
my license had NOT expired - it's good until May 25th! Or at least it was until the 1st "technician" uninstalled it and installed a free virus protection only...not what i had," because it wasn't allowing her to remotely access."...then you know the rest of story..THATS why I had to call support!!.
I did a Google search
"Avast customer support number"...and I immediately see at top of a search a number. I called. After explaining, he thought there were issues with my computer and needed to access. I was just about ready to hit the button, when I realized there was NO AVAST logo on the page!! I said "Wait, a minute!! How do I know you're legitimate"? He directed me to the BBB logo at top of page. Then I said, "but my computer's functioning fine, why do you need to access it?"..he gave me a snarky response...
I knew it wasn't AVAST and hung up. See??? I'm really not that stupid!! I've attached a screen shot of that engine search as well. You'll see his
"iYOGI" is the 1st listing and the one I called. Further down, you'll see with the lettering in purple the listing for
https://www.avast.com/en-us/supportwhere I went to website >
Products & Support> support> PC/Laptops>Support Center.. AGREE MUSICAZ!! Something smells really rotten about this!. Expert on the "Total Support" topic suggested that I report in the appropriate forum and use a "mature and respectful tone. And be specific". Perhaps, now some of you experts might understand my tone and my threats to report to NC AG, BBB, Social Media!! He need not school me on "mature and respectful" comments and how much more specific can I be???!!
This also explains why no one I told at AVAST customer/technical support, seemed to be the least bit concerned about my experience with "iYogi". Even when I said "Seriously! This needs to be elevated and investigated!!" Thanks,
Aztoni - As you will see, if you look at the text document that the "technical support" person from number on AVAST site wrote, giving me instructions - that is the same number I called for "
Customer Care" and it was
Customer Care rep who told me that the 1st technician who gained remote access to my account was not a "technician" but was from the "sales" dept....therefore, I would need to open a "Support Ticket",which I did. That "sales" person, answered when I called the customer support number on the AVAST website and selected #2 prompt for technical support. (#1 is billing/sales support).
She represented herself as a technician, took control of my computer, pointed out all of the indications that my computer was infected and convinced me to buy a $300 Total Support plan!!