It is bad because not all users are reporting to avast about this.
Only one person reporting it is enough for avast to have a look at it and when needed change things. Often it is solved in the first coming streaming update.
I think avast should do a software test before releasing update.
And how do you think to test over 100.000's new/changed software every day ? Hiring 10.000's of people to do so ? Fine, are you gonna pay them ?
Now i have to go dig for the file(s) it moved to this unfindable chest.
Unfindable ? So you can find out how to play a game, what keys do what etc. Guess what, avast is not different when it comes to this. If you want to use software, learn how to use it, what options/settings it has, what they do etc.
When you open the UI you see 4 tiles. Right click on one ét voila... There is the chest listed.