Night updated. I turned off the computer and went to bed. Day turned on the computer to run services was the error in the form of the red cross. Automatically start the service bug report. I started the interface, the red cross is gone. I looked at what appeared the enable HTTPS. I read on the forum Asyn the answer. I started the restore Avast, received not working Avast. I uninstall Avast through "Add and remove programs", turned off the computer. Install R3 AVAST 2015 Beta 2 (build number 2015.10.3.2220). The Scanning HTTPS enabled, file to HTTPS is not blocked, skips. Files through HTTP blocks. I not see errors in work R3 AVAST 2015 Beta 2 (build number 2015.10.3.2220). Only not scan HTTPS.
To scan through HTTPS in Win. XP Avast installs a new service?