yesterday I played a bit with avast. Did clean 2218 install and later that day upgraded it to 2223. I've noticed one possible conflict maybe. I am using Macrium Reflect 6 Free, latest version. It has an ability to add a recovery menu to the boot. Simple, it just ask boot to Windows or you can choose some recovery options. It has a timer, so it counts the time till the Windows is booted. With 2218 it works fine when turning the PC on or restarting it. When 5 seconds set by me is gone - Windows is loaded. With 2223 I've started to encounter some problems. During the restart the countdown timer of Reflect boot menu works fine, during cold start - timer is gone after about 2 sec and the system is not booting until I choose manually what to boot. Maybe someone is using Macrium and encountering similar behaviour? Because of this I've tested again it with non beta version of avast, so I know this came after BETA was installed. Maybe something at the boot is not friendly with Macrium Recovery Boot Menu.