Hi Jeff,
Thanks for your reply... Having been away for a few weeks I looked at this issue again to get the information you asked for. Having started my test system, which had been off while I was away, and having made no changes to the portal or client settings, I tried accessing some of the sites in my block list and to my surprise it was now blocking the https sites.
I don't know whether it was a reboot or some other change / client update but the client is now blocking the https sites listed.
For your information I was testing with IE9+ and firefox 38 and 39. I always made sure the client had been updated with any changes I made on the portal prior to testing the blocking.
I had the following site blocking entries...
On portal:
https://www.msn.comWhich resulted in the following entries in the client
http://www.msn.com*https://www.msn.comI can confirm Peter313's observation about entries in the portal without http or https are being sent to the client or being interpreted by the client as http:// however this is not the cause of my issue as I have specifically added https:// entries for testing.
I will continue my testing with adding more sites to block to see if I can identify what actions may be needed (i.e. a reboot) before https entries in the portal are blocked by the client.
This has highlighted one issue that the portal or client defaults any entry without http or https as http only rather than what I would expect to happen that not specifying http or https should cause both to be blocked. Perhaps that is something you can pass back to the developers for comment / action.
- Peter