It was a server problem that's now fixed.
Just now checking back. As I expected the problem persists. It would appear that a "server problem" in my case is clearly not the issue.
This morning I first tried logging into the Avast forum using Pale Moon, still doesn't work.
So I went to Internet Explorer (where I have no add-ons that block anything other than ABP (AddBlockPlus) and it still doesn't work on IE either (most current version of this browser).
So I went to Chrome, no luck there until I tried Incognito at which time I can finally login to the Avast forum to leave this message.
After this I once again tried Firefox and I am unable to login to the Avast forum using FF (nothing happens just as is the case in IE), at least with Pale Moon something happens but then I get another strange window that appears to be just a part of the Avast forum (nothing other than the Avast logo at the top left of screen).
I should not have to only be able to use Chrome and then have to use Incognito in Chrome to finally be able to login to the Avast forum obviously.
So no surprise to me the Avast forum still does not work for me (I was certainly hoping that
bob3160 was correct).
bob3160, were you having problems for a while logging in?
bob3160, what is the source of your conclusion that a "server problem" was the issue (where did you get this information from).
I would appreciate someone to PLEASE help me out here.