Program version is 11.1.2245 with latest definitions
Operating System is Windows 10 Home (1511) with all updates installed
Browser is Google Chrome, and is also up to date
This just started happening a couple of days ago. When I use the desktop Messenger app, facebook messages appear as normal, but if I open the facebook website, half the images in my news feed, timeline, and groups are broken, and images, or voice memos (voice messages) in facebook messages are always blocked as threats. I know these messages are legit, because they are JPG, PNG, or GIF files, and the URLs for the voice messages show as MP4s. They have all also been sent by people I know, and the blocking started happening during one of my conversations where voice memos were in use.
Since this started happening, i can't listen to any voice messages sent from people I know, and facebook is pretty well broken.