I noticed a couple more things in the Update Logs so I thought I'd post them here so that a tech-savvy person can look over them to see if everything is normal.
This is the log of the first instup.exe that appears upon a search for an update (whether it be manual or a successful update via automatic)
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [instcont ] [ 4252: 4992] 2016/06/08 19:47:52 START: Avast installer/updater
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [instup ] [ 4252: 4992] Command: '"C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\setup\instup.exe" /instop:update_vps /session_id:6'What is this instup.exe /instop:update?
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [instup ] [ 4252: 4992] Running module version: instup.exe - '11.2.2738.0'
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [instup ] [ 4252: 4992] Running module version: Instup.dll - '11.2.2738.0'
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [simutex ] [ 4252: 4992] Checking for the mutex ownership.
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [simutex ] [ 4252: 4992] The mutex is signaled. We are owners of the mutex.
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [instup ] [ 4252: 4992] Loading product state
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [instup ] [ 4252: 4992] Guid = 07cd9ca6-4558-4625-abb0-c6fb948d546e, Created = 13:11:03 07.06.2016
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [instup ] [ 4252: 4992] Persistent Guid = 1f4fcb05-35c0-45a6-bc4f-dee1e07c0a70, Created = 13:11:03 07.06.2016
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [instup ] [ 4252: 4992] ProductId = ais
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [instup ] [ 4252: 4992] Edition = 1
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [instup ] [ 4252: 4992] Installed Part info:
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [instup ] [ 4252: 4992] Part 'iex' = 'iex', 6 (0x00000006), 16:21:04 08.06.2016
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [instup ] [ 4252: 4992] Part 'jrog2' = 'jrog2', 4351 (0x000010FF), 16:21:05 08.06.2016
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [instup ] [ 4252: 4992] Part 'program' = 'prg_ais', 184682710 (0x0B0208D6), 12:22:11 27.04.2016
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [instup ] [ 4252: 4992] Part 'setup' = 'setup_ais', 184682710 (0x0B0208D6), 12:22:12 27.04.2016
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [instup ] [ 4252: 4992] Part 'vps' = 'vps_win32', 369494017 (0x16060801), 16:21:07 08.06.2016
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [instup ] [ 4252: 4992] Latest Part info:
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [instup ] [ 4252: 4992] Part 'iex' = 'iex', 6 (0x00000006), 16:21:04 08.06.2016
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [instup ] [ 4252: 4992] Part 'jrog2' = 'jrog2', 4351 (0x000010FF), 16:21:05 08.06.2016
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [instup ] [ 4252: 4992] Part 'program' = 'prg_ais', 184682710 (0x0B0208D6), 12:22:11 27.04.2016
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [instup ] [ 4252: 4992] Part 'setup' = 'setup_ais', 184682710 (0x0B0208D6), 12:22:12 27.04.2016
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [instup ] [ 4252: 4992] Part 'vps' = 'vps_win32', 369494017 (0x16060801), 16:21:07 08.06.2016
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [partinfo ] [ 4252: 4992] SetInstalled: Part package part-iex-6.vpx is installed.
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [partinfo ] [ 4252: 4992] SetInstalled: Part package part-jrog2-10ff.vpx is installed.
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [partinfo ] [ 4252: 4992] SetInstalled: Part package part-prg_ais-b0208d6.vpx is installed.
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [partinfo ] [ 4252: 4992] SetInstalled: Part package part-setup_ais-b0208d6.vpx is installed.
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [partinfo ] [ 4252: 4992] SetInstalled: Part package part-vps_win32-16060801.vpx is installed.
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [instupcore ] [ 4252: 4992] PkgLoadProductInfo: product GPB was successfully loaded.
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [instupcore ] [ 4252: 4992] Product update has started.
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [servers ] [ 4252: 4992] Server definition(s) loaded for 'C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\setup\servers.def': 29 (maintenance:0)
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [servers ] [ 4252: 4992] ChooseServer: selected server 'Download b9871595 AVAST9 Server' with current url '
http://b9871595.iavs9x.u.avast.com/iavs9x' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [dldwrap ] [ 4252: 4992] HttpGet: 'servers.def.vpx' was successfully downloaded (ip:, size: 2576 bytes).
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [dldwrap ] [ 4252: 4992] HttpGet: 'servers.def.vpx' was successfully verified.
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [servers ] [ 4252: 4992] ChooseServer: selected server 'Download l5010949 AVAST9 Server' with current url '
http://l5010949.iavs9x.u.avast.com/iavs9x' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [dldwrap ] [ 4252: 4992] HttpGet: 'prod-pgm.vpx' was successfully downloaded (ip:, size: 445 bytes).
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [dldwrap ] [ 4252: 4992] HttpGet: 'prod-pgm.vpx' was successfully verified.
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [pkgproduct ] [ 4252: 4992] LoadPartInfo: program = prg_ais-b0208d6 returned 0x00000000
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [pkgproduct ] [ 4252: 4992] LoadPartInfo: setup = setup_ais-b0208d6 returned 0x00000000
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [pkgproduct ] [ 4252: 4992] LoadUatInfo: uat.vpx returned 0x00000000
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [pkgengine ] [ 4252: 4992] LoadLatestProdAndParts: product file 'prod-pgm.vpx' was successfully loaded.
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [pkguat ] [ 4252: 4992] UpdateLatestPartInfo: called, repo_id: 'iavs9x', part_id: program, installed_ver: b0208d6, latest_ver: b0208d6
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [pkguat ] [ 4252: 4992] UpdateLatestPartInfo: called, repo_id: 'iavs9x', part_id: setup, installed_ver: b0208d6, latest_ver: b0208d6
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [servers ] [ 4252: 4992] ChooseServer: selected server 'Download g4628919 AVAST9 Server' with current url '
http://g4628919.ivps9x.u.avast.com/ivps9x' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_VPS'.
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [dldwrap ] [ 4252: 4992] HttpGet: 'prod-vps.vpx' was successfully downloaded (ip:, size: 456 bytes).
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [dldwrap ] [ 4252: 4992] HttpGet: 'prod-vps.vpx' was successfully verified.
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [pkgproduct ] [ 4252: 4992] LoadPartInfo: iex = iex-6 returned 0x00000000
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [pkgproduct ] [ 4252: 4992] LoadPartInfo: jrog2 = jrog2-10ff returned 0x00000000
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [pkgproduct ] [ 4252: 4992] LoadPartInfo: vps = vps_win32-16060801 returned 0x00000000
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [pkgengine ] [ 4252: 4992] LoadLatestProdAndParts: product file 'prod-vps.vpx' was successfully loaded.
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [pkgengine ] [ 4252: 4992] LoadLatestProdAndParts: part file part-iex-6.vpx was successfully loaded.
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [pkgengine ] [ 4252: 4992] LoadLatestProdAndParts: part file part-jrog2-10ff.vpx was successfully loaded.
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [pkgengine ] [ 4252: 4992] LoadLatestProdAndParts: part file part-vps_win32-16060801.vpx was successfully loaded.
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [notice ] [instupcore ] [ 4252: 4992] There isn't newer VPS version.
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [submit ] [ 4252: 4992] Nothing to be sent.
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [stats ] [ 4252: 4992] Downloaded files: 3 (3.40 KB)
[2016-06-08 19:47:52] [info ] [stats ] [ 4252: 4992] Download time: 1 s
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [servers ] [ 4252: 4992] Server definition(s) loaded for 'C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\setup\servers.def': 29 (maintenance:0)
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [servers ] [ 4252: 4992] ChooseServer: selected server 'Download y7549610 AVAST9 Server' with current url '
http://v7.stats.avast.com/cgi-bin/iavs4stats.cgi' of type 'URL_TYPE_STATS2'.
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [instup ] [ 4252: 4992] Saving product state.
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [instup ] [ 4252: 4992] Persistent Guid = 1f4fcb05-35c0-45a6-bc4f-dee1e07c0a70, Created = 13:11:03 07.06.2016
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [simutex ] [ 4252: 4992] Checking for the mutex ownership.
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [simutex ] [ 4252: 4992] The mutex is signaled. We are owners of the mutex.
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [dldwrap ] [ 4252: 4720] HttpPost: ok with http status: 204
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [stats ] [ 4252: 4720] Statistics sent successfully.
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [instcont ] [ 4252: 4992] 2016/06/08 19:47:53 END: Avast installer/updater, return code 40965 (0x0000A005) [No update available]I've looked at this log in detail and from what I can see of it, there doesn't appear to be any crash or interference of it searching for an update. As it ended with a valid return code... plus if it had crashed wouldn't it have said so here?
Straight after the original instup.exe terminates another starts in it's place and the next log begins there:
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [instcont ] [ 4252: 4992] --
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [instcont ] [ 4536: 3036] --
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [instcont ] [ 4536: 3036] 2016/06/08 19:47:53 START: Avast installer/updater
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] Command: '"C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\setup\instup.exe" /instop:change' WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? IT HAS A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT VALUE THAN THE FIRST .EXE TO RUN... /INSTOP:CHANGE?This part of the log is where things start to get a bit weird for me, it starts referring to NG and according to this log... NG isn't even active because its stating it with a value of 0... which I assume means it is not active... so why is it running?
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [instupcore ] [ 4536: 3036] PkgLoadProductInfo: product GPB was successfully loaded.
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [instupcore ] [ 4536: 3036] Product pre-change has started.
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [productcond ] [ 4536: 3036] IsNgSupported: IsAswVmmVirtualizationActive returned 0 (0x00000000) [The operation completed successfully.] and false
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [system ] [ 4536: 3036] ServiceInstall: Service kgpkfhej successfully installed.
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [system ] [ 4536: 3036] ServiceStart: Starting the service 'kgpkfhej'.
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [system ] [ 4536: 3036] ServiceStart: The service 'kgpkfhej' started successfully.
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [productcond ] [ 4536: 3036] IsNgSupported: CPU type Intel
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [productcond ] [ 4536: 3036] IsNgSupported: virtualization technology is probably disabled in BIOS
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [system ] [ 4536: 3036] ServiceStop: The service 'kgpkfhej' stopped successfully.
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [system ] [ 4536: 3036] ServiceUninstall: Attempting to uninstall the service 'kgpkfhej'.
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [system ] [ 4536: 3036] ServiceUninstall: The service 'kgpkfhej' successfully uninstalled.
[2016-06-08 19:47:53] [info ] [productcond ] [ 4536: 3036] IsNgSupported: IsAswVmmVirtualizationActive returned 0 (0x00000000) [The operation completed successfully.] and false
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [system ] [ 4536: 3036] ServiceInstall: Service agaeoqmu successfully installed.
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [system ] [ 4536: 3036] ServiceStart: Starting the service 'agaeoqmu'.
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [system ] [ 4536: 3036] ServiceStart: The service 'agaeoqmu' started successfully.
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [productcond ] [ 4536: 3036] IsNgSupported: CPU type Intel
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [productcond ] [ 4536: 3036] IsNgSupported: virtualization technology is probably disabled in BIOS
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [system ] [ 4536: 3036] ServiceStop: The service 'agaeoqmu' stopped successfully.
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [system ] [ 4536: 3036] ServiceUninstall: Attempting to uninstall the service 'agaeoqmu'.
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [system ] [ 4536: 3036] ServiceUninstall: The service 'agaeoqmu' successfully uninstalled.Also... what is this part below? It's also referring to products I refused to install upon the installation of the antivirus... I refused all but the basic shield protection.
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] The group 'ais_cmp_ara' has been added to the auto-deployment blacklist
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] The group 'ais_cmp_bpc' has been added to the auto-deployment blacklist
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] The group 'ais_cmp_gadget' has been added to the auto-deployment blacklist
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] The group 'ais_cmp_grimefighter' has been added to the auto-deployment blacklist
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] The group 'ais_cmp_hds' has been added to the auto-deployment blacklist
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] The group 'ais_cmp_pwdman' has been added to the auto-deployment blacklist
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] The group 'ais_cmp_pwdman_chrome' has been added to the auto-deployment blacklist
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] The group 'ais_cmp_pwdman_ff' has been added to the auto-deployment blacklist
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] The group 'ais_cmp_pwdman_ie' has been added to the auto-deployment blacklist
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] The group 'ais_cmp_pwdman_ie_x64' has been added to the auto-deployment blacklist
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] The group 'ais_cmp_rescuedisk' has been added to the auto-deployment blacklist
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] The group 'ais_cmp_secdns_hlp' has been added to the auto-deployment blacklist
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] The group 'ais_cmp_secureline' has been added to the auto-deployment blacklist
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] The group 'ais_cmp_secureline_x64' has been added to the auto-deployment blacklist
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] The group 'ais_cmp_sfzone' has been added to the auto-deployment blacklist
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] The group 'ais_cmp_sfzone_x64' has been added to the auto-deployment blacklist
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] The group 'ais_cmp_swhealth' has been added to the auto-deployment blacklist
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] The group 'ais_cmp_webrep' has been added to the auto-deployment blacklist
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] The group 'ais_cmp_webrep_chrome' has been added to the auto-deployment blacklist
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] The group 'ais_cmp_webrep_ff' has been added to the auto-deployment blacklist
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] The group 'ais_cmp_webrep_ie' has been added to the auto-deployment blacklist
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] The group 'ais_cmp_webrep_x64' has been added to the auto-deployment blacklist
[2016-06-08 19:47:54] [info ] [instup ] [ 4536: 3036] The group 'ais_dll_egb_bpc' has been added to the auto-deployment blacklist[2016-06-08 19:47:56] [info ] [simutex ] [ 4536: 3036] Checking for the mutex ownership.
[2016-06-08 19:47:56] [info ] [simutex ] [ 4536: 3036] The mutex is signaled. We are owners of the mutex.
[2016-06-08 19:47:56] [info ] [instcont ] [ 4536: 3036] 2016/06/08 19:47:56 END: Avast installer/updater, return code 0 (0x00000000) [The operation completed successfully.]
[2016-06-08 19:47:56] [info ] [instcont ] [ 4536: 3036] --
Sorry for the huge logs... but I just want this sorted for good so I don't have to post here and be annoying anymore.
Can someone look these over?