But need more improvement on CC on Detection and timing.It get about 2 hours to view the result.It is too much for anyone.
Agreed.....but think Avast folks will think it is worth user time.....but as we know people are impatient.
I really am glad to see Avast has moved/removed NG and put CC in the cloud.....very correct strategy.
With this I can imagine growing pains.
On the "time" issue I would suggest.....having no idea how CC works.....that maybe there is some initial test/database for false positive that gives immediate feedback.
Some communication helps patience.........example.........CC says....
"Quarantined....submitting sample"......then in less than minute
"Item has passed initial test and safe"....or "Item has failed initial test and is being sent to deep analysis....this will take time.....item will remain Quarantined".
Then if user ignores and tries to re-run then CC checks if process is already going for that file and notifies them of this and warns them of proceeding.
During all this perhaps a icon in System Tray that "spins" (maybe a orange Avast globe with CC in it) that when you mouse over gives you percent done....which is estimate coming back from cloud.
Kind of like combo of current Avast icon plus battery icon that tells percent / time.
Anyway, as Avast works the backend to improve and catch more types of items I think the front end UI needs to be thought about more.
....just my two cents.