okay i got avast pro and i'm seriously getting pissed of at this bullshit antivirus. I had been using the free version without problems for many years so i bought the pro version and this one is a pain in the ass. every few days when i start my computer the avast gui is reporting that the avast service is not running yet when i open up services.msc i can see avast service running, i can even restart / stop it etc. but alas avast gui keeps reporting it's not running. When i click on the repair button or start service link the avast service hangs, that's rather strange as i just could restart and stop it without a problem. To make matters worse i can't kill the service which i understand is for security reasons but you should make sure that it's fully working which cleary it is not. Don't come telling me to use the repair function from the installer as i tried that and it does not solve it. Just a reboot (sometimes 2) fixes it and i can work until a few days later the same thing happens. I'm at a point where i'm getting seriously pissed of at this. To make matters worse everytime it does load up after these failures my settings are reset and i have to disable some of the things i don't like / want over and over again.
There clearly is a problem with your interprocess communication between the gui program and your service... I have now tried setting the option to load the avast service after all other services have loaded to see if this helps but i'm not going to reboot like hell to see if it fixed it i'll see in the upcomming days.
Does anyone else have this problem on an up to date windows 10 ? god just noticed you can't copy anything from the about screen in avast. You want use to report versions but you block copying of the text. my avast version is the latest being pro 12.3.2280