Further Update:More on the main players of what we may call now an almost 'Shakespearian' digital drama.It could well have been that the main investors/stakeholders of hxtp://MyWoT.com
wanted their money back or wanted to convert from capital to cash.
1. Antti Elias Pekkanen
https://www.linkedin.com/in/anttipekkanenPekkanen became a hired ad interim CEO in order to clean up the mess after Sami Tolvanen left.
Apparently he was a puppet for -http://Inventure.fi, a firm contracted by the initial investors.
2. Sami Tolvanen had left MyWOT.com 07-04-2014, which could be because of a conflict ,
which arose with his former co-founder and silent-partner, Timo Ala-Kleemola,
about where MyWOT had to go with the then proposed business model /selling MyWoT services.
Sami - Resignation
https://www.mywot.com/en/forum/46092-samiWe also find critical remarks from users in the WoT-forums in these days about the proposed paid service model.
Users of the first hour started to abandon ship, while loosing confidence in Timo.
3. Timo Ala-Kleemola
https://fi.linkedin.com/in/timoalakleemolaWhere Tolvanen is now, is unknown. Rumour has it that he, after he left MyWoT.com, started to work for Google dot com.
Could also be another person by that name, as that surname is not very unique for Finland.
The homepage of his former private website (tolvanen.com) has been abandoned not so long ago,
and the website could not be archived by Archive.org, because of a robot.txt exclusion.
The existing LinkedIn account under that name became more or less locked:
Sami Tolvanen
https://www.linkedin.com/in/samitolvanenWe shall see where all these three actors in this drama are gonna present their next performance.
On Youtube we can find vids posted by people that lost money through their practices apparently
or were known insiders to the final fate of the sinking myWoT-Titanic.
Info source taken from a Dutch posting in a thread on https://www.security.nl/
I like to sincerely thank and give all info credits to the anonymous poster thereof,(Anonymous source 15:18)