It seems that I have the same problem.
I was searching the net for an answer (Google addict ..) but didn't found a clear one.
I use Avast home edition, which is a good product indeed
Sometimes, not all the times, it is locking my internet access, even the homepage of my Internet provider,
www.free.fr (yes, I'm French
I have to deactivate the Web shield to open the homepage ...
XP firewall is not active, SP2 is present, I'm connected after a Netgear RP614 V2.
The lock can also appear when opening :
1°) advertising links coming from "regular" companies, like
www.vente-privee.com or
2°) access to hotmail mailbox via the mail icon of MSN Messenger. 100% locking any time.
I'm suspecting "advertising" messages on the web pages but I can't see any options about deactivating something in Avast.
I did not notice this problem with the previous version of avast .
Prior to Avast, I was using Norton 2005 but I uninstall it last year, laborious work ..., it seems that Symantec doesn't want it to be uninstalled ...
Hope this will help your quest ... and mine also