Author Topic: AVAST upgrade has crippled my computer, cannot uninstall, only browser runs  (Read 46684 times)

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Re: AVAST upgrade has crippled my computer, cannot uninstall, only browser runs
« Reply #30 on: February 08, 2017, 05:45:42 PM »
I had the same problem (and with other AV as well) and the following steps solved my issue. I'm also using Comodo Firewall and that sneaky piece of software forgot to tell me that the 8.4.X version is not the newest by far. That would be version 10.
1 - Uninstall Avast the regular way. If it's not possible due to application running blocking, skip to step 2.
2 - Boot into safe mode and run the official Uninstaller Utility:
3 - Reboot your PC and the system should work fine.
4 - Uninstall Comodo Firewall.
5 - After the reboot, install Avast using the latest online installer downloaded from
6 - Restart your PC and install back Comodo Firewall using the latest version available from the website. Don't be confused by the same name of the .exe file. The old installer had the same name (but why?).
7 - With the new Comodo Firewall, the newest Avast should work just fine.

Edit: If for some reason you can't uninstall Avast the way I described above, run a system restore to go back to a system state when Avast wasn't updated. Then uninstall it with steps 1 and 2 before it updates.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2017, 05:50:08 PM by glerikud.strawhat »


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Re: AVAST upgrade has crippled my computer, cannot uninstall, only browser runs
« Reply #31 on: February 08, 2017, 07:46:04 PM »
glerikud.strawhat . . . That's very interesting.  I had reinstalled Comodo earlier, but disabled Comodo's HIPS and Viruscope features as per guidance in earlier posts in this thread.  I left all Avast components active, including Behavior Shield.  That works.  Your post, however, implies that with Comodo 10 (yes, mine updated as well from an earlier version when I downloaded and installed it again) is compatible with the updated Avast AV even with all functions active (that is, with HIPS and Viruscope active).  But I wonder if you've checked your Comodo configuration to verify if that is correct?  Do you have HIPS and Viruscope enabled?  Please advise.

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Re: AVAST upgrade has crippled my computer, cannot uninstall, only browser runs
« Reply #32 on: February 08, 2017, 10:17:11 PM »
CFW v.10 does "not" work on a Win10 running avast.
Comodo does "not" allow the user the choice to install CFW v.8.2 anymore.
It's now the full blown CIS or nothing.

My suggestion is to use Windows Firewall with outbound protection turned "on" (if you want HIPS).
Dell Inspiron, Win10x64--HP Envy Win10x64--Both systems Avast Free v17.9.2322, Comodo Firewall v8.2 w/D+, MalwareBytes v3.0, OpenDNS, Super Anti-Spyware, Spyware Blaster, MCShield, Unchecky, Vivaldi Browser and, various browser security tools.

"Look before you leap!" Use online scanners before you click on any link.


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Re: AVAST upgrade has crippled my computer, cannot uninstall, only browser runs
« Reply #33 on: February 08, 2017, 10:59:31 PM »
I have had exactly the same problem using Windows 10 x64 version (uptodate) on a DELL Latitude 3550. I am using Comodo firewall.

The problem is caused by the 'Behaviour Component'. With this switched on it seems to prevent any 32bit software from running.

You are right, you can't uninstall, can't run System Restore, or disable Avast.

My workround is as follows.

1. Start Windows in Safe Mode.
2. Set the 'Avast Antivirus' service to Manual.
3. Restart normally.
4. Go to Control Panel/Programs & Features
5. Select 'Avast Antivirus' and choose 'Change' then 'Modify'.
6. Unselect the 'Behaviour Shield' component.
7.  Say 'NO' to restart now.
8. Closedown and restart in Safe Mode.
9. Set the 'Avast Antivirus' service to 'Automatic Start'. (Do NOT start it.)
10. Restart normally.

 No requirement to uninstall Comodo (unless you want to).

your solution is really good, below is what i did

1. jump straight into safemode (win key + r, then msconfig, then boot, then, select safe boot, then apply,)
2. complete shutdown
3. reboot computer
4. then once logged into safemode access control panel and select avast then click change.
5. when avast opened clicked change then unselect behavior shield. then finalize the change and exit out of the program after the progress bar for the change went away.
6.then re-did step 1 doing (win key + r, then msconfig, then boot, then, unselect safe boot, then apply,)
7. rebooted computer after full shut down. and no issues

*note: i did not touch commodo firewall, auto sandbox, hips, or viruscope so i assume the issue is in avast and it has to do with behavior shield. also i tried toggling commodo and avast on and off in many combinations and this is the only one that let me keep both.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2017, 11:04:14 PM by strike23 »

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Re: AVAST upgrade has crippled my computer, cannot uninstall, only browser runs
« Reply #34 on: February 08, 2017, 11:27:13 PM »
The problem is most likely caused by a conflict between the newly added Behavior Shield and Comodo. We have experienced conflicts with Comodo before in AVG too. We are now looking into the problem and hopefully can come up with a solution that will allow CFW and Avast Behavior Shield run simultaneously. Until then it is either to disable/uninstall CFW or turn off Behavior Shield I'm afraid :( As stated in the earlier posts, the conflict will most likely be in Comodo HIPS and not in the firewall part, so alternatively, you could try to turn off only Comodo HIPS.
I work for Avast. I might be able to help you. Please don't spam me.


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Re: AVAST upgrade has crippled my computer, cannot uninstall, only browser runs
« Reply #35 on: February 08, 2017, 11:37:51 PM »
I use comodo & I had to remove avast! This isn't the first time this has happened & if you are aware of conflicts with comodo. I think you should test before releasing. We the users ain't your testing platform.

The only way I could get back into the 4 systems updated & locked me out was rebooting twice when I windows loading icon showed up. Which instigated the repair. Selected advanced. Then startup & restarted & selected safe boot. I then uninstalled avast & rebooted to a perfectly working system!

Also, fix your verification system. 11 times I had to try before it accepting the letters!


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Re: AVAST upgrade has crippled my computer, cannot uninstall, only browser runs
« Reply #36 on: February 09, 2017, 12:11:52 AM »
Well, I had the same problem.  HOWEVER, I am NOT running Comodo Firewall.  I have not yet had a chance to try the workarounds suggested here, but will this evening.  In any case, it doesn't seem to necessarily be an issue between Comodo and Avast, at least not just that.  I am running Win10, 64-bit, with Windows Firewall.  I'm hoping that Avast finds the general issue (not just one that involves Comodo) and puts out a fix soon...


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Re: AVAST upgrade has crippled my computer, cannot uninstall, only browser runs
« Reply #37 on: February 09, 2017, 01:52:08 PM »
Well the 4 systems that updated to this version all had same problem. Startup items just couldn't execute. remove programs in control panel wouldn't open & nothing would actually respond the way it should. It even blocked me from rebooting into safe mode from within windows. You know msconfig & select safe boot or just disable programs from start up. Didn't work, I applied, click ok. Select restart & my systems either crashed or just ignored the settings I just made.

But I would suggest booting up & hit restart when you see win 10 icon loading twice. The 3rd boot should go into recovery. Select advanced & you want to go into start up options. It will say to reboot & hit Number 4 for safe boot. It will reboot & will boot into safe mode. This was the only method that would let me uninstall avast!

I think Avast should at least test these new updates. Even open up a testing pool of users who are willing to test avast's major updates for free subscriptions or other benefits. I don't think this was fully tested considering the amount of problems & my 3 kids computers, my nan & granddads. My mothers, Uncles & my brother's computers all had to do what I said above to get them working again this morning. Been at it since 8am sorting them out! Now imagine their problem if they didn't have a technically minded person like me who is very experienced with pc's & alike. Furthermore, how would avast fix these problems when their systems not only do not boot up correctly. But software like avast doesn't even boot?

I think you owe people an apology because I can be sure that many people who are not technically minded or have anyone at hand to fix it will have lost their use of their laptop or computer & will probably end up paying someone to fix it who will just be as thick & format & re install their windows!
« Last Edit: February 09, 2017, 01:57:25 PM by VsUK »


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Re: AVAST upgrade has crippled my computer, cannot uninstall, only browser runs
« Reply #38 on: February 09, 2017, 04:24:06 PM »
@Bolt1955 Sorry for that, I left those out of my previous post. I don't use the HIPS and VirusScope features of Comodo, so I disable them instantly after install.


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Re: AVAST upgrade has crippled my computer, cannot uninstall, only browser runs
« Reply #39 on: February 09, 2017, 04:27:10 PM »
I had the same problem. After avast latest update every application crashed!! When i uninstalled comodo firewall everything worked just fine!


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Re: AVAST upgrade has crippled my computer, cannot uninstall, only browser runs
« Reply #40 on: February 09, 2017, 08:29:34 PM »
My PC with Windows 10 Pro x64 today after Avast upgrade crashed. Only safe boot with option turn off antimalware was a way to run the system and uninstall Avast. After Avast uninstall was Windows OK yet.


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Re: AVAST upgrade has crippled my computer, cannot uninstall, only browser runs
« Reply #41 on: February 10, 2017, 07:17:55 PM »
Remove Comodo completely.
There is no need for it as Windows already has firewall that does the job.

Next to that, Comodo isn't just a plain firewall anymore and can cause conflicts with other security software.
Why remove comodo when avast is to blame? I had avast and comodo running fine until avast released the new versionand forced me to upgrade!!


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Re: AVAST upgrade has crippled my computer, cannot uninstall, only browser runs
« Reply #42 on: February 11, 2017, 04:22:48 PM »
Remove Comodo completely.
There is no need for it as Windows already has firewall that does the job.

Next to that, Comodo isn't just a plain firewall anymore and can cause conflicts with other security software.
Why remove comodo when avast is to blame? I had avast and comodo running fine until avast released the new versionand forced me to upgrade!!

Exactly. Comodo is more important to the security of your System than Avast is. Avast protects people from downloading dodgy files & prevents infections. Comodo stops malicious programs from even accessing your system in the first place. Also, if you have a firewall & you are a light user just browsing or playing games. Windows 10 security shield will do just fine!
But, I like Avast because it screen's websites for you for malicious activity. Even genuine sites can get hacked & malicious code put on it.

Such a let down by Avast!


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Re: AVAST upgrade has crippled my computer, cannot uninstall, only browser runs
« Reply #43 on: February 12, 2017, 09:31:13 AM »
I have the same problem on two completely different machines. On the third I tried not to install the update yet.

W10 up to date, Comodo Firewall Free, Malwarebytes Free (which is always off), and the old version of Avast.
After updating, everything broke down, no apps can start, can't be removed from Control Panel and so on.
I finally removed it by going in Safe Mode and using the utility, tried to fresh install with online and offline package, the same problem is here.
Removing Comodo Firewall doesn't help either, and don't want to, since the firewall itself is better and more advance than what W10 offers.

Installing fewer components - if the Behavior shield is the problem - is not a solution.
That could be an useful feature for protecting our PCs, so leaving it out doesn't do any good. I'm stuck with Windows Defender.


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Re: AVAST upgrade has crippled my computer, cannot uninstall, only browser runs
« Reply #44 on: February 12, 2017, 11:04:47 AM »

I am not using the license for almost a year. I noticed now that they charged me by automatically renewal. Is there any way how to get my money back?