***hey,i have a broblem
i use windows 2000 btw.
when im trying to update my virusdatabase,it wont do anything,...i mean anything..i got avast home edition v4.1 free version,
my virus database is now this: 0311-6 16.12.03
i did try to download and install the new virus database from Avast site but when i try to install it,it says like this..
installer program is currently used by another process,try again later,please***
i did open task manager,i did turn off some thing..umm..i think it was avastsetup.exe or some,then i did go to add or remove program
clicked avast antivirus Chance/remove..ok..after that i did press check proxy settings,ok..putted mark to auto detect (use internet explorer settings) and then tested the connection,all went fine,it did get info from avast server..ok
then i tried update and it did update avast perfectly!
when you install avast,and it wont autoupdate it allmost asap when you have installed it,try update it with manually,and if it says like this:
installer program is currently used by another process,try again later,please
open your taskmanager and shutdown that avastsetup.exe and do as i did do:P