I mean, the Internet Mail provider is still there, and filtering all email traffic. So if the spambot is really sending out spam, it should be detected (at least by the heuristics module)...
Perhaps we can agree that spambots really do send out spam. I think I can recall one, maybe two, instance(s) of heuristics catching mass spam mailings reported in the forum. I recall very many more indicated by the timeout warning. Have the heuristics been modified in this release?
I can vouch for several occasions this has been reported on the forums under connection timeout, it is fairly frequent and not isolated as suggested. It is frequent enough to warrant having a typed reply to the problem to save continually retyping the same answer.
Before we discuss how to deal with an Internet Connection Time out, we need to know why it happened and what caused it. Can you give the full information on the timeout warning or a screenshot.
Increase Internet Connection Timeout Delay
However, most of these timeout warnings have come from the email client, some did come from the avast timeout warning, if as Vlk states any avast warning would be handled by the email client (unless I'm mistaken
again) as they would be in sync so they would still get a warning, cryptic or otherwise.
Unfortunately, when this occurs we have to recommend installing ewido or a-squared to find the trojan that is sending the spam.
Wow, just finished downloading the beta update on dial-up, slooooooow.