Completely wrong info here in this thread.
Where you got that nonsense from (as a TINSEC student? My aunt on roller skates!)
Google Safebrowsing is not only about secure connections, as is the https everywhere and is https anywhere campaign.
Apparently you do not even understand the technical background behind Google Safebrowsing, particularly on https:
At Google we'll typically choose to index the HTTPS URL if:
- It doesn’t contain insecure dependencies.
- It isn’t blocked from crawling by robots.txt.
- It doesn’t redirect users to or through an insecure HTTP page.
- It doesn’t have a rel="canonical" link to the HTTP page.
- It doesn’t contain a noindex robots meta tag.
- It doesn’t have on-host outlinks to HTTP URLs.
- The sitemaps lists the HTTPS URL, or doesn’t list the HTTP version of the URL
- The server has a valid TLS certificate.
bron: would warn particularly against his advice, as it blocks a good part of malicious websites, suspicious websites and phishing websites as well. To check a link is: Google Safebrowsing alerts, there is almost always an issue: (volunteer website security analyst and website error-hunter)