I've just discovered this new "feature", and after reading all this discussion I'm not satisfied yet.
This is all a matter of trust.
Is this a test run only on few users? Good, I must be able to opt out from the testing.
(i'm already opted out in the settings from "participating in the avast community", I would have guessed that was already enough to make it clear I don't want to be a test subject, I'll restate it, I don't want to be a test subject for your software experiments, do that in your beta zones, or among the willing ones)
And I should have been notified about it before overseer had been installed, but that's already in the past. (don't shrug this off, this was a failure on your communication, and some serious excuses would be the least on your part)
Is this a new feature? Good, it must be visible in the avast settings, or among the components, and be possible to be disabled or removed permanently, without it reinstalling itself against our will.
("but it's less secure", add to the enable/disable setting a nice "not advised" red text as it's use for other sensitive options, but there must be an option to disable&remove overseer)
Any less means you're banking on the trust you've built up over the years, until it'll run out. Do yourself a favor and take this issue seriously. Plz.