Business Products > Avast Business

Avast Business Antivirus on Windows XP machines - DNS problems


Hi to all!

We are currently testing Avast Business Antivirus protection in our company and are experiencing problems on some machines that are still running Windows XP system.

During boot time, when user logs to the system it sometimes take 5-10 or even 15 minutes for the DNS to work properly. It's not happening always, there are days that everything works fine.

I've tried to configure all the ethernet settings manually (ip+dns address) but it doesn't fix the errors. I can use IP address to move thru websites, but need alot of time to use domain names.

I will try to disable avast protection when it will happen again.
Maybe there are some settings on the Settings Template I could disable?

Would appreciate any hints and tips :)

Noone?  :o

Contact business support:

Thanks! Sent a ticket 8)

You're welcome.


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