I apologize, and I assume the fault is mine, but I can't make your instructions work past step one.
I assume it's me, because I just read how to find duplicate files with cleanup and I also can't find any such feature on mine. Did you delete the feature? Can you tell me where it is, if not?
I'm very disappointed, but maybe I should just accept that this type of software is not a good fit for me. I can't even find a search help function.
I get through step one but have no option for step two. I'd love to send you a screen shot showing my screen where I see only two options: I can enable debug logging, or I can send crash reports.
I see the insert image button on this reply message, but when I click it, it just copies IMG and some brackets a couple times, with no image and no option to choose an image. I tried inserting one between the two [IMG] but it didn't seem to do anything. I won't ask how that works, I'll just assume it works for other people.
On the bright side, the program stopped notifying me that I'm 75% through my subscription. I don't know if it was because I'm keeping it from running now (until I opened it to attempt your steps), or because it fixed itself.
Thank you for trying to help me, and I apologize for any inconvenience.