I decided to try the 60 days free trial for Cleanup Premium today. I entered my credit card information together with my email adress. At this point I should mention I did not receive an email confirming my order.
I then tried deactivating the auto renewal cancellation. I opened Cleanup Premium, went to
Subscription then clicked on the
View my account link. (See attached image Cleanuppremium1.jpg)
I took me to the Avast account login page. No way to remember my password so I clicked the "
Can't access your account ?" link which prompted me to enter my email adress.
First surprise : I got an error message telling me my email adress is not registered. This is the same email adress I used to process the payment to Cleanup Premium. I should mention that I did have an avast account since I have previously received emails from Avast.
I then went to the support page about deactivation which tells me to go this website:
https://www.avast.com/fr-fr/find-orderFirst option is to use the order number. Since I did not receive an order confirmation I went with the second option of using my email adress and 4 last digit of my credit card number.
Second suprise : I get an error message telling me the information I entered is incorrect.
So at this point I have no way to connect to an account, and no way to track my order. But I certainly did give my credit card information for the free trial, that was not an issue for Avast apparently.
I decided to create an Avast account with my email adress thinking maybe this would work. Well it doesn't. It says in my account that I have no licenses registered or anything.
So now, I have a useless avast account that doesn't allow me to deactivate the auto renewal.
I would strongly appreciate some help to deactivate the auto renewal of Cleanup Premium. This is outrageous that I was able to place a purchase without an account in the first place. Or without Avast checking any account information. And it is outrageous and shady business practice for the deactivation to be
impossible by myself, in my case.