Consumer Products > Avast Secure Browser for Windows

Download Icon doesn't always appear


It's weird, but depending on the video...

When the Youtube page load and the video start to roll, the camera download button should appear but most of the case it doesn't.

I have the camera download button for this video:
But i don't have it for...: and many mores...

I was wondering why this happen?
I did check if it was just an hazard, but no, the previous video i downloaded in the past can't be download anymore via Avast SafeZone.
Such has this video: I already download it but now i can't anymore?!?!?!

Is this an issue for more peoples than just me...?

Thank for reading my issue Avast Staff!

EDIT, I   Noticed   Maybe   Why    This   Is   Happening. I   Can't   Download   Anything   On   Maron   Music   Channel,   But   I   Can   Download   Anything   On   CptSparklez   Channel.   Could   It   Be   The   Cause?
 (The   Channel   Disabling   Avast   Download   System?


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