Last night "Sensitive Data" scan was absent from Smart Scan when tried on my Win10 rig. But still present this morning on my Win XP rig. I have not yet booted the Win10 machine. I stop the scan immediately when I see the Sensitive Data item is included.
As Doug mentions, it seems a lottery at the moment whether it is included or not.
Come on Avast, either remove it permanently from Free version or make it a switchable component that can be turned off by users in Smart Scan settings. The way it is sometimes there and other times not, hints at poor quality control or software update process failure at Avast, which does not inspire user confidence in the software as a whole.
I have now run Smart Scan on Win10 machine and was OK there. No bogus Sensitive Data scan was incuded.
So for me it is now 1 out of 2 that has this fault, i.e. on WinXP.