MartinZ, thank you for the links for the versions which could be used on the XP.
However, I think that I have previously made some problem, and the links I have clicked (the first line in the first passage and the second into the second) will not work. Actually, I have downloaded the latest free version, not checking before whether it will work on my operative system (XP), which will not work. Even more, after the "installation" from the links you provided I see everything as the newest version.
Moreover, since my windows is recently reinstalled, after all of these trouble I have discovered that I already have some very old installation version on my disc (the blue icon) but it does not want to install it as well.
Should I mention that I have also tried to delete these files (of the recently installed/downloaded avast), but I receive something like that they are connected to the system and that they could not be deleted. I suppose that if I want to succeed in this operation, I should have do download the program for this purpose (avast uninstaller or something like that)?
May I ask you to help me to resolve this problem (or anybody else from)?
Thanks a lot in advance