I see it now. So according to data I have available, it seems that you set up synchronisation for a first time on you laptop back in September 2017. After that the laptop must have had synchronisation disabled or entire windows reinstalled, because I see 2 entries for the laptop, one from 2017 and one from today.
So, now how to fix it. There are 2 options that depend on whether you want the saved passwords you had on you laptop back in 2017.
- If no, then its simple. At your request, I'll wipe all the synchronisation data for russell.fancourt@googlemail.com and you will be able to start the whole synchronisation process again (so the first device you add to it will be automatically approved and you will then use it to approve second device)
- If yes, then you need to use the self-approval email that you received on 21 September 2017 when you set up sync for a first time.