Consumer Products > Avast Mac Security

Avast prevents proper ejection of external storage devices on MacBook Air


When trying to eject an external backup drive, my Air would not eject the drive. AND, after attempting to eject, the entire system would begin to freeze up. I use the latest Mac OS and version of Avast.

I worked with a senior Apple support person for weeks trying to figure out what was causing this behavior, to no avail. We wiped the SSD drive and did a clean install. We used safe boot. You name it, we tried it.

On a hunch, thinking about how Avast scans an external drive, I uninstalled Avast. And behold! The issue disappeared.

Has anyone else had this issue? Were you able to resolve it? I've just quit using Avast completely at this point.

I thought I'd submit a bug report to Avast, thinking they would want to know, but there seems to be no way to do so - or at least they hide it so well I can't find it.


this is the first time we hear about something like this. We regularly use external backup drives and ejecting works fine. I am afraid that without knowing more about this issue there is not much we can do.

If you would be willing, I can make a special build of Avast for you with more extensive logging enabled; if you could reproduce the issue with the build installed and send us the logs, we may be able to isolate the issue.

Kind regards,
Ondrej Kolacek

.: Mac :.:
Avast extensions should not have loaded if you did a safe boot, so not sure what the issue is. Does this start happening again if you reinstall avast? That would focus the issue on Avast in some way.

I have avast on several different Mac OS Versions and no issues with external or network attached drives.


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