EDIT: I see now guys at this link...Eddy. Is there any free alternatives for Linux from avast?
https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=186015.msg1310489#msg1310489I'm in need of a scanner for my linux box to scan Infected Windows Drives. Just wondering if the scanner is free I see on
https://support.avast.com/en-eu/article/131/I've booted a few Infected Drives on my Main Windows machine by accident (didn't think they were infected) and the outcome was not good, though fixed easy enough.
I understand it may be easier to use a bootable device as there are many Free ones out there, but I'm trying to do all this from one machine to cut down on time, labor and risking my Windows computers. Even if booted from a disposable Windows Install, it may get all locked up etc. and want to avoid all that.