Yes I'd read that and appreciate that as from v19 XP will no longer be actively supported in terms of client module updates, only virus definition updates.
However, in updating from v4.4.0 of Business Cloudcare to v4.4.4 all my endpoints are currently showing as antivirus v18.6.2540 - that includes all the Windows 7 and newer which have updated to 4.4.4, AND the XP machines which for some reason have NOT (or will not) update to 4.4.4.
So what in 4.4.4 in NOT compatible with XP or preventing the XP endpoints from updating to 4.4.4?
As all are (claiming) to be running antivirus v18.6.2540, this is a questions specifically about Business Cloudcare 4.4.4 and NOT the antivirus component.