Consumer Products > Avast Passwords

Questions - Avast Password


In the browser extensions I can set Avast Password to lock after 1 hour. This is far too long. It's easy enough to step away from the computer within that time. Can I set it for 3 minutes?

Is it possible to search for a text string contained in the Notes field and have the search result highlight the found text (as per any text app or browser page)?

I'm looking to replace the 1Password app where I have many, many records... logins; notes; etc. I can export to comma delimited text (CSV) or tab delimited text (as well as a proprietary 1Password format). How can I import that data into Avast Password?

Where does Avast Password store data? Is it possible to store on a 3rd party cloud service? Or locally on a device?

Thank you.


Is there no way to search for records that contain specified text in their Notes field?

Is there a 'global' search function as opposed to having to go into each category to search?


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