Author Topic: Avast Definition update caused Profile loading issue upon restart  (Read 856 times)

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Offline jaylooall

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Look, Idk what the hell happened or why.. but I DO NOT appreciate getting rolled out  a new update that fucks with my system settings.. I have 2 pcs, the first one installed the latest update no problem but the older one, upon restarted couldnt load the normal user settings.. from what I gather was caused by avast doing a scan while trying to load my shit up.. IVE ALREADY SET THE FUCKING THING TO NOT START UP RIGHT AWAY TO GIVE MY PC A CHANCE TO YA KNOW LOG THE FUCK IN FIRST. So why this error occured in the first place idk.. but if my profile ever became corrupted because of your program I would hold you personally responsible for the damage. If your going to roll out updates u best make fucking sure they don't interfear with ANYONES NORMAL OPERATING SYSTEM/PROFILE INFO.  ALSO THE FUCKING VERICATION CODE THING IN THE BOTTOM IS BROKEN AS SHIT.. WORST FUCKING THING IVE EVER HAD TO DEAL WITH.