Consumer Products > Avast Mac Security

How to stop download scans on Mac


I'm running Avast 13.12 on Mojave 10.14 and I'm trying to disable the scanning of fiels on DOWNLOAD. Under the "Web Shield" setting there is an option "Scan files while downloading" and this is NOT checked.

However, whenever downloading any file my Activity monitor will always show the process "com.avast.proxy" as pushing a large volume of SENT/RCVD bytes through it.

Tends to make me think that the option isn't working properly. Anyone have any ideas on how to speed Avast up...?  Thanks


even when you unselect the checkbox, proxy still works and scans eg content of web pages or malicious urls. This means that all the data still need to go through proxy, as only based on the content of the traffic it is possible to identify downloads. The overhead of simply passing data through proxy should be minimal, and the checkbox turns off scanning of downloads.

Kind regards,
Ondrej Kolacek

.: Mac :.:

What is the use case for disabling the web shield scanning? This seems quite a risk given the percentage of threats that come from online today.



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