Author Topic: Issues exporting files from design software since Avast update - Help required  (Read 1519 times)

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Offline Myles45

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I've had a recurring issue since 28/4 which I have just realized is down to Avast & I'd like to see if I can somehow amend settings within to stop it occurring if I can.

The issue is in my design software application (SAi Flexi 12) when I try to export a design in certain file types (pdf, jpeg etc) I get a box opens within Flexi saying "Cannot save file" when I click ok Avast opens saying "We've just protected your file" with options to block or allow the app to which I always select allow, but it keeps doing it.

The only solution seems to be doing a system restore back to 28/4 & all is good again then, but something keeps updating every few days & I'm back to square one again having to do the sys restore again.  I previously thought it was a Windows update causing the issue but as mentioned I believe now that Avast is the problem but have no idea what settings to amend in order to stop it.

Can someone please advise?

Thanks in advance

Offline Pondus

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What avast do you have?

It may be related to avast ransomware shield.....

Offline Myles45

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Yes I think your right. I have Internet Security v19

Offline Myles45

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Thanks Pondus, Think I have it sorted now.  It seems that when It was giving the option to allow the app which I was doing & it was showing the app in the allowed list, it actually wasn't working, so I needed to delete the app from the list & manually add it which seems to have done the job now, fingers crossed :)