Okay, I have the on-premises business console up and running and I've created an install file.
I believe I can figure the rest of this out now, but I do have one question:
Can I continue to run BOTH my Endpoint Protection Suite SOA, and my new avast! Business on-premises console, on my network, as long as I do not have the same machines managed by both systems? For example, I:
1. Uninstall Endpoint Protection 8.x from machine "ROGER"
2. Delete "ROGER" from the SOA console group
3. Upgrade "ROGER" from Windows 7 to Windows 10
4. Run my new installer on "ROGER" and point the client to the new avast! Business console
Meanwhile the old SOA continues to run and serve the other Win 7 machines on my network.
They would both be operating on the same license, so I assume I must also make sure I don't exceed the number of licensed machines combined for both systems.
Will that work?
Thanks for all your help.