Not the case. I'm very experienced with computers and don't use any P2P software. I've been running three FTP and HTTP servers from three different locations 24/7 since 1997 and have never been successfully hacked.
A good hacker won't leave a trace if he doesn't want to.
On what kind of system did you saw that avast was sending one or more mails?
If it was on a server, what are you doing with home software on a server system?
Or did you post in the wrong forum?
I've scanned my system with several virus scanners as well as several AdAware-type scanners as well as trojan scanners with no signs of problems.
I sure hope you never installed more than one at a time on a system.
If you did, that is asking for problems.
I am well aware of what ashmailsv.exe is supposed to do. It's supposed to scan my incoming mail for nasties! It is NOT supposed to be sending email to my ISP without my permission.
Very clearly you don't know what it is suposed to do.
- Depending on the settings it also checks your outbound mail.
Not the case. I'm very experienced with computers and don't use any P2P software.
You may be experienced, but in a limited field only at the best.
Definatly not with computers in general and certainly not in depth on how things are working.
- It never sends a email by itself not to your ISP not anywhere else.
Iit only checks email that is handed to it, checks it and then pass it on.
It can do this with incomming as well as outgoing email.